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What Is Noise?

Any source of sound has the potential to become Noise.  Sound and Noise are terms linked very closely with one another but there is a distinction.  This distinction is based on several key ideas:

  • Noise is unwanted sound
  • Noise is a subjective term - what one person thinks is Noise, another may consider music
  • Everything we hear is Sound - only unwanted sound is Noise
  • We cannot measure Noise, but we can measure Sound

Noise can seriously disrupt peoples' lives, causing loss of sleep, interference to activities and emotional stress.  Local Government and the Department of Environmental Protection deal with numerous complaints each year in the district.

The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 came into effect in 1998.  These prescribed standards set out what could be considered as "Pollution" or "Unreasonable Noise".  The Regulations are fair and set limits which have been carefully designed to ensure that Noise from other premises is kept to acceptable levels.

The basis for determining the assigned Noise levels is the land use where the Noise is received.  Surrounding land uses are also taken into account.  This method recognises and protects the quiet surroundings many of us enjoy, while also recognising the influence of industry, commerce and transport on our Noise environment.

Further information on Noise can be provided by contacting the Shire Office.